Sunday, November 2, 2008


Well... Well... Well.... what a fun week/weekend it has been. Again, the week flew by with 50 bazillion things going on. On Thursday night we finally witnessed what parent-teacher conferences felt like. It was weird being on the receiving end, and I asked questions that I as the teacher would have been getting irritated by :) Let me just say that Mr. Hudson Felkey has the BEST kindergarten teacher around. She has shaped our son to love anything and everything there is to love about school. Hudson is doing very well and will be starting on a read naturally program because he is reading so well. Preston does Guided Reading and Hudson is flying through it. We were/are very, very proud of him. OF COURSE who knows Anthony and I well are laughing right now (we know you are). Anthony asked what TAG/TEP standed for and I explained to him that it was the smart kids that got to leave for lunch once a week earlier than all of us. Anthony said, "Oh yeah... we always made of them." I explained it was because we were just jealous!!! ;) For all you smart kids that got to leave class to go to lunch early... sorry for making fun of you! Hudson also had his first overnight sleepover with his friend Keaton. Keaton and Hudson started at WeeCare around the same time and have been best of buds. However, Keaton lives in the East Central School District and goes to Miles. Keaton's mom and I make a point for the boys to get together often. Hudson had a blast spending the night with Keaton. It was nice to snuggle up Hayden and Abby for the evening.

So this brings me to Saturday... Anthony, Claudia, Kevin, and I thought it was time to GO OUT! We hadn't been out since the babies were born, so we did. Oh did we!!! We shipped the boys to Grandpa's house (my mom had to work) for their own special slumber party.

We went as the group KISS. It was a blast! We went to a place called Mooney Hollow (sp). It was just FUN! We were absolutely the H-I-T!!! I so badly wanted to rock out... and I think towards the end of the night (had we had the chance) we would have. It was great!!! We ended up winning first place which meant 100.00!!! We promised the boys if we won anything we would take them to Chucky Cheese today :) Everyone is a winner at our house! I hope you enjoy the pictures. I believe we were not recognizable!

On Sunday we got up, got the boys, and kept our promise to them. Little did they know we already were headed to Davenport to get Abby's 9 month (more like 10 month) pictures taken. They turned out cute!

Okay... off to bed. Enjoy the pictures. :)

1 comment:

Aaron Burdorf said...

Great costumes you guys! I think it's so cute you promised the boys you would take them to Chuck E. Cheese if you won anything! :)