Monday, October 27, 2008

Lots of News

I know... I know... its been awhile! Big things have happened in a week and to be REALLY HONEST I haven't had time to sit down and update out blog. The biggest news: Abby is crawling! She had been making little movements, but she is now full-time, move about, get into everything CRAWLING! OUR LIVES JUST GOT REALLY BUSY-IER :) YEAH! I'll post pictures soon!

So.. yesterday was Halloween in Preston. Claudia and I had been working on the girl's costumes for quite sometime and Anthony and I pulled the boys together a night last week. Mr. Hudson was the Army Comander... (which he loved because he boss Hayden where to go and what to do). Hayden was the solider who got to ride in the tank. This was super cool :) Abby and Adlie were the pumpkins in the pumpkin patch. We decorated our wagon and put a sign on the back that said, Pumpkins for Sale.

Work is good... Anthony is 'getting a truck' through work. Its not his by all means, but he will be kind of like 'assigned' to it. He mainly spends his day doing service calls so this truck is designed to hold all of his tools and goodies. He's pretty excited about it (if you can imagine)! He has the most wonderful people on the planet Earth and in 72 years of business had their best year in 2008. They shared the wealth. Yeah for us!!! Super people!!!

School is good for me. Thursday will be a Literacy Day so there are many activities planned in the morning and then we have a Halloween parade in the afternoon and then our room parties. I have 2 room moms that pretty much take over. Yeah for me! Friday is an all day in-service. This means meetings... a longer lunch.... and no lesson plans!

Stay warm everyone! This weekend is our Halloween party that Claudia, Kev, Anthony, and I will be attending.. be sure to stay tuned!
Love to All,

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