Sunday, October 5, 2008

Wapsi Pumpkin Patch

What a fun-filled day! It was supposed to be very rainy and cold today so we decided to go to the pumpkin patch ;) While the kids were at Sunday School it rained and we figured the day was a wash. We decided to give the pumpkin patch a try anyway. When we got there it was a bit crisp, but in no time at all the sun came out and it was a BEAUTIFUL day! The pumpkin patch was a blast. There was so much for us to do there. There were inflateables, a petting zoo, hay rides to the pumpkin patch, pony rides, and so much more. We planned on going for an hour or so and ending up staying 3! The kids just LOVED it (Anthony and I too). After we went to 'the fun' McDonalds with a huge playground.

FYI... the kids were asleep by 8.. not just in bed, but asleep :)

Happy Week everyone and enjoy the few pictures of the pumpkin patch.



Amy Hoyer said...

Love the pictures at the pumpkin patch!! Madi goes on a field trip to a pumpkin patch tomorrow wtih daycare.

Michelle said...

That looks like an awesome pumpkin patch! What a fun weekend!!! Your pictures are great!